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Thief is in the vineyard
Trying to spoil the harvest
Thief is in the vineyard
Trying to spoil the harvest

They try to change the thought of love and happiness
To lust and disgrace, shame and disgrace
They try to change the thought of love and happiness
To lust and disgrace, shame and disgrace

Thief is in the vineyard
Trying to spoil the harvest
Thief is in the vineyard
Trying to spoil the harvest

But Jah is going to pluck them out, pluck them out
With lightning and thunder right now
And Jah is going to pluck them out, pluck them out
With lightning and yunder

All their worship is pride
And vanity, vanity, vanity, yeah
They got no love in their heart
For humanity, humanity, humanity, yes

All their worship is pride
And vanity, vanity, vanity, yeah
They got no space in their heart
For reality, reality, reality

Thief is in the vineyard
Trying to spoil the harvest
Thief is in the vineyard
Trying to spoil the harvest

But Jah is going to pluck them out, pluck them out
With lightning and thunder right now
Yes Jah is going to pluck them out, pluck them out
With lightning and thunder

If you can recall the colour
Of the red white and blue, the red white and blue
It's the symbol, for the barber-man too, the barber-man too
It goes on and on
To the policeman too, the policeman too
It moves on and on
To the soldier-man too, the soldier-man too

Thief is in the vineyard
Trying to spoil the harvest, oh yeah
Thief is in the vineyard, ah yeah
Trying to spoil the harvest..

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