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I know, you know this too man, we know, yes we know

The prices are way too much
The people don′t have enough
I-man think gets on fear
So some got to live in fear
Cost of living is way too much
The people don't have enough
I-man think gets on fear
So some got to live in fear

So you can′t solve crime
If the poor man still can't find no dime (still can't find no dime)
Can′t solve crime
If the youth them only all the time
So you can′t solve crime
If the poor man still can't find no dime (still can′t find no dime)
Can't solve crime
If the youth them only all the time

And after graduation time
Still no jobs for the next in line
And it feels like a waste of time
When you spent so much to get left behind
Mama never raise no fools
A no survival is the golden rule
Those things that we learn in school
Still can′t help us to find some food

So you can't solve crime
If the poor man still can′t find no dime (still can't find no dime)
Can't solve crime
If the youth them only all the time
So you can′t solve crime
If the poor man still can′t find no dime (still can't find no dime)
Can′t solve crime
If the youth them only all the time

I know, yes I know, you know this too man, we know oh yes, they know this too man
So you can't solve crime

If the poor man still can′t find no dime (still can't find no dime)
Can′t solve crime
If the youth them only all the time

So you can't solve crime
If the poor man still can't find no dime (still can′t find no dime)
Can′t solve crime
If the youth them only all the time

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