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Hail the words of Jah, take heed unto his warning
Hail the words of Jah, take heed unto his calling

Children, leave out the vulture
Children, stick to your culture
Children of Israel

Every day, every day you disobey Jah call
You disobey Jah, you disobey Jah call!
Every day, every day you disobey Jah call
You disobey Jah, you disobey Jah call!
Every day, every day you disobey Jah call

Tell them the daughter dem
The daughter dem, the daughter dem
Take too long to see Jah light
The daughter dem, the daughter dem
Take too long to see Jah light

Those painted lips, those painted eyebrows
Those painted lips, those painted eyebrows
Those painted fingernails, those painted toes
Those painted fingernails, those painted toes

The daughter dem, the daughter dem
Take too long to see Jah light
The daughter dem, the daughter dem
Take too long to see Jah light

You come from Zion with a banner in your hand
You reach the river Jordan and you turn back
You come from Zion with a banner in your hand
You reach the river Jordan and you turn back

Children, leave out the vulture
Children, stick to your culture
Children of Israel!


You come from Zion with a banner in your hand
You reach the river Jordan and you turn back, ooh yeah
You come from Zion with a banner in your hand
You reach the river Jordan and you turn back

Children, leave out the vulture
Children, stick to your culture
Children of Israel!

Hail the words of Jah, take heed unto his warning
Hail the words of Jah, take heed unto his calling

Children, leave out the vulture
Children, stick to your culture
Children of Israel!

The daughter dem, the daughter dem
The daughter dem, the daughter dem..

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